The Washington Post – Watergate 50th Anniversary: Dwight Chapin
From The Washington Post

Dwight L. Chapin served as the secretary and deputy assistant to President Richard M. Nixon from 1969 to 1973. As Nixon’s personal aide during the 1968 presidential campaign, Chapin crisscrossed the country at Nixon’s side, rising to become one of the president’s senior White House staffers and closest confidantes. Chapin, who was convicted in 1974 of two counts of making false material declarations before the Watergate grand jury, joins Washington Post opinions editor-at-large Michael Duffy to discuss the tumultuous times and remarkable memories working up-close-and-personal with one of the nation’s most controversial commanders in chief, as written in his new book, “The President’s Man: The Memoirs of Nixon’s Trusted Aide.”
Read the full article here.